

Kevin Anderson is professor of energy and climate change in the School of Mechanical, Aeronautical and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester. He is deputy director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and is research active with recent publications in Royal Society journals and Nature. He engages widely across all tiers of government; from reporting on aviation-related emission to the EU Parliament, advising the Prime Minister’s office on Carbon Trading and having contributed to the development of the UK’s Climate Change Act. With his colleague Alice Bows, Kevin’s work on carbon budgets has been pivotal in revealing the widening gulf between political rhetoric on climate change and the reality of rapidly escalating emissions. His work makes clear that there is now little chance of maintaining the rise in global temperature at below 2°C, despite repeated high-level statements to the contrary. Moreover, Kevin’s research demonstrates how avoiding even a 4°C rise demands a radical reframing of both the climate change agenda and the economic characterisation of contemporary society. Kevin has a decade’s industrial experience, principally in the petrochemical industry. He sits as commissioner on the Welsh Government’s climate change commission and is a director of Greenstone Carbon Management. Kevin is a chartered mechanical engineer and a fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

Review of Anderson’s Cabot seminar in Bristol

Nov 2012  Review of Anderson’s Cabot seminar in Bristol – Huffington Post “In a recent iconoclastic talk at the University of Bristol, a leading British climate scientist invoked the lad in Hans Christian Andersen’s story of the emperor’s new clothes. [Anderson’s] claim in the talk…

Beyond Dangerous Climate Change

Nov 2012  Beyond Dangerous Climate Change – Chapter 1 of What Next This article provides the context for “What Next” – a collection of pieces on ‘climate, development and equity’ – authored by experts from across the globe and both framing the challenges faced…

Foreword to: In Place of Growth

Nov. 2012  Contributed a foreword to a report by Steady State Manchester – In Place of Growth. With a specific focus on the city of Manchester and following discussions with the City Council, the report asked and discussed answers to…

Has US shale gas reduced CO2 emissions?

Oct 2012  Has US shale gas reduced CO2 emissions? – A Tyndall Centre report Since 2007, the production of shale gas in large volumes has substantially reduced the wholesale price of natural gas in the US. This report examines the emissions savings in the…