Comment on climate
Comment on climate
A succinct account of my view on individual and collective action
Is the climate change academic community reluctant to voice issues that question the economic growth paradigm?
The hidden agenda: how veiled techno-utopias shore up the Paris Agreement
The Paris Agreement: 10/10 for presentation; 4/10 for content. Shows promise …
The Paris Agreement is a fitting testament to how years of diligent and meticulous science has ultimately weathered relentless and well-funded attempts to undermine its legitimacy. Building on this science base and under the inspiring auspices of the French people, the…
Response to questions on the Paris climate change negotiations (for The Big Issue)
These are my responses to questions raised by Clare Speak in relation to her piece Warm Words Cold Reality (Big Issue No.1109. 30 Nov – 6 Dec 2015) Q1. – Is there anything about COP21 that makes you think it…
UK’s new energy policy “direction” demonstrates the Government’s climate sceptic credentials
This is a quick response to Amber Rudd’s (Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change) speech “on a new direction for UK energy policy” – 18th November 2015. ******* Behind its confident bluff and eloquent rhetoric the UK Government’s new…
A response to Victor & Kennel’s commentary “Ditch the 2°C warming goal”
Published in Nature Climate Change. 2nd Oct. 2014 In preparation for an article a broadsheet journalist was writing, I was asked to respond to a series of questions related to Victor and Kennel’s proposition. Below is a tidied up version…
BBC’s programme on Shale Gas remiss in its neglect of climate change
Response to Costing the Earth’s programme: A decade of Fracking BBC Radio 4; 1st Oct 2014; 21.00hrs. This is a copy of an email sent to the BBC following Wednesday’s airing of the programme Presenter Tom Heap noted during the introduction…
Don’t muddle energy efficiency with reducing emissions!
This is a brief response to Zachary Karabell’s piece for Slate.com entitled “Naomi Klein Is Wrong: Multinational corporations are doing more than governments to halt climate change” (Sept. 30. 2014) Zachary Karabell’s analysis muddles energy efficiency with absolute reductions in emissions. We…