July 2006 Living in a Carbon Budget
This report, by Bows, Anderson and other Tyndall Manchester researchers, was the first to develop energy scenarios based on carbon budgets and including international emissions from aviation and shipping. The research was commissioned by the Cooperative Bank to provide an independent scientific foundation to their and others’ lobbying of government for a climate change Act and the introduction of carbon budgets. It is worth noting that whilst the ‘Big Ask’ campaign was lobbying for a 3% year-on-year reduction in emissions, the report concluded that for the UK to make its ‘fair’ contribution to “avoiding dangerous climate change” a reduction rate of nearer 9% p.a. was necessary.
Building on this research, the Welsh Assembly Government, under the auspices of the Welsh Climate Change Commission, contracted Tyndall Manchester researchers to undertake a more detailed piece of work (Towards a 2°C future: emission reduction scenarios for Wales) to inform their climate change strategy.

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